No rest for the weary! But hey who can complain when the Lord just is throwing out blessings?! WE GOT IT! We got all three families married and baptized! 10 people in total. It was probably one of the most rewarding feelings I've had. Especially because all 3 of those families were mine. I am so pumped. Needless to say this week was pretty freakin OSUM.
Transfers came today.... drumroll please.... I'm staying in Chingassura, again haha. I am actually super stoked, though. I got a good house and a great ward, plus the goal is 2 more families married and baptized this transfer. I got a new companion, Elder Green. It is his first transfer, so I am his trainer. Means I have to start being a good missionary and be an example haha. Kind of nervous because I have no idea how to train, but we will get by. Also, I was called as district leader, so I'll be doing that as well. It really just means I get stats at the end of the week and pay the bills haha. Im excited about this transfer.
I sent a ton of pics on dropbox so you can see all the weddings and baptisms. The weddings were great. We literally had 10 people in Bishop's office, sang a hymn, prayed, spiritual thought, signed the wedding papers, hymn, closing prayer, then they were baptized! I love simple weddings. I baptized 7 of the 10. They were Vasco, Josefina, Alexandre, Bete, Saide, Melita, and Adelia! It was a super nice experience. Alexandre e Bete also got interviewed by Bishop on Sunday for callings already!
Other news, Elder Abel and Richardson went home on Friday night. That was kind of weird, being there as they finish their missions. You could tell it was just totally surreal to them. It made it seem even more surreal for me. Good news is I'm closing in on that big 12 month mark!
All of your weeks sounded like a good ole time. Glad Hawaii treated you right Mama, and the whole family survived without ya! The wedding also looked like a blast... but I still think my 3 weddings were cooler;) For skype next week Im gonna be at 1845 our time, so 645pm here you guys can figure out what time it is there right? Cool. Well I love you guys and can't wait to see your faces!!!!!
Much love,
Elder Hruby
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